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Native American Heritage Month

Native American culture is deeply ingrained in the history of Southeastern Michigan, including the land the Metroparks now occupy. This Native American Heritage Month we encourage you to learn more about the heritage, culture and history of Indigenous peoples. To start, we compiled a list of resources you can read and watch that feature information on both local and national Native American history and culture. Explore the links below to learn more.

Native American Heritage Month Website

PBS Collection of Native American and Alaskan Native Films

Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian Online Exhibitions

Pure Michigan – Native American Culture in Michigan

National Park Service – Native American History in Detroit

CMU – Look into Michigan Tribes

Downtown News Magazine – Native Americans: The 12 Tribes of Michigan

History of the Wyandotte Nation

History of the Sac and Fox Tribes

History of the Kickapoo People

History of the Ojibwe People

History of the Potawatomi People

Wyandot of Anderdon Website

History of Brownstown, Michigan

Seven Generations Principle

Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

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