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Metroparks Implementing Plan for Temporary Closures as Needed to Control Overcrowding

Here at your Huron-Clinton Metroparks, we’re proud that so many people across Southeast Michigan have chosen to visit their favorite Metroparks these past weeks. Keeping everyone healthy – physically and mentally – is a critical part of the state’s recovery plan and our commitment to the region.

All 13 Metroparks will continue to stay open, in accordance with Governor Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order extension, while also implementing additional distancing measures to help protect the health and welfare of our visitors

Our Metroparks team is actively monitoring attendance in the parks. Metroparks Police and park staff are now performing parking lot counts three times a day to ensure that total parking spaces within each park do not exceed 60% of their full capacity. When overcrowding occurs, we may use temporary closures to certain areas within the parks – or entire parks. Depending on the time of the day that capacity is reached, the park may reopen as visitors leave. Those visitors already in the park when a closure starts are welcome to enjoy the rest of their visit.

In coming days, we’ll be performing practice drills of temporary park closure procedures in select locations. This will help us make sure our staff is fully prepared to effectively and professionally manage any potential closures. These drills will take place on:  Wednesday, April 22 between 1 – 2pm at Kensington, Stony Creek and Lower Huron Metroparks and Thursday, April 23 between 1 – 2 pm at Hudson Mills, Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie Metroparks.

We know it can be inconvenient for everyone involved, but we assure you our only goal is keeping you safe and being able to keep the Metroparks open.

As a reminder, other safety measures we’ve implemented include:

  • Closing all interpretative center buildings, including nature and farm centers, restrooms, food service, playgrounds, golf and disc golf courses, volleyball courts and offices.
  • Closing boat launches to motor boating.
  • Cancelling all Metroparks public programming through June 5 to coincide with school closures.
  • Offering free admission on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during the Stay Home, Stay Safe executive orders.
  • Starting summer hours so Metroparks are open longer each day, giving residents more options for their visit.
  • Having Metroparks police officers patrolling regularly and reminding visitors about safe social distancing practices as needed.
  • Providing Metroparks team members working toll booths during admission days with protective gloves, hand sanitizer and encouraging them to wear face masks. For vehicles, with an annual pass (which can be purchased online), there is no direct contact with the toll booth attendant and visitor. For those purchasing daily passes on the days needed, the interaction is minimal and brief.
  • Implementing a requirement for all toll booth attendants and police officers to wear a face mask and encouraging all other staff to wear one as well. Staff are asked to have a face mask in their possession to use if they come within six feet of co-workers or visitors.

We’ll continue to post new updates on our website and via email to subscribers. To sign up for future emails, visit

To see up to date park closures and additional Covid-19 precaution details before you visit click here.

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