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The Metroparks never stop getting better. And here’s where you can learn about what we’re doing right now to make the Huron-Clinton Metroparks a better, more accessible parks system for all the communities we serve.


The Metroparks never stop getting better! That’s because our staff are always working on improving facilities, removing barriers and making your park experience the best it can be. Maybe you’ve seen equipment or cones and construction fencing in the parks, and wondered what was going on. If so, you can learn more about park projects and see progress updates below.

Flat Rock and Huroc Dams Feasibility Study

Update April 2024 : The Metroparks and our partners will have a second community meeting to review the in-progress feasibility study in late Summer 2024. Invites will be mailed out, shared with our local stakeholders, and posted on social media and other outlets.

Dexter-Huron Launch & Picnic Area Renovations

The project involves the renovation of the Dexter-Huron Metropark launch site and picnic area for improved accessibility using universal design principles, to comprise: 1) parking lot expansion for designated trailer parking and increased accessible spaces; 2) new aggregate loading and unloading area; 3) launch renovations with new floating launch; 4) picnic shelter renovations; 5) concrete access walkways to launch, picnic shelter, and playground; 6) playground improvements; 7) picnic area improvements; and 8) additional landscaping features. Dexter-Huron Metropark and this project are located on the National Huron River Water Trail, Washtenaw County Border-to-Border Trail, and the Iron Belle Trail.

Schedule: This project be completed by the end of 2024.

This project has been funded by the Natural Resources Trust Fund (MDNR) and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks.

Healing the Huron River Headwaters

The project involves the restoration of the Huron River headwaters area, including the Huron Swamp, West Wetland Complex, and Michigan Nature Association’s Timberland Swamp Nature Sanctuary, through invasive species removal, tree plantings, and native prairie/meadow plugs and seed plantings. This restoration will substantially improve important habitats that have been impacted by the loss of ash and oak trees and the subsequent expansion of invasive species to replace them. Community volunteers will aid in the collection of seed from intact park ecosystems guided by Metroparks staff. Students, scout troops, and other volunteers will also create and distribute native prairie seed balls.

This project is in partnership with Michigan Nature Association and funded by the Consumers Energy Foundation and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks.

UPDATE – November 2022

In November, Girl Scouts participated in an interactive program at Indian Springs Metropark. They explored the life cycle of a native plan by dressing up as a flower and modeling the plants structures and functions, learned about the vital roles native plants play in maintaining healthy ecosystems and more.  They learned about seed dispersal firsthand by helping out Natural Resources department spread seed bombs of native flowers in the park.

UPDATE – June 2023

The Metroparks Natural Resources department hosted a volunteer work day at Indian Springs as part of the Healing the Headwaters Grant project from Consumers Energy. Volunteers helped with planting pollinator native plugs on multiple days so that eventually the area will look more bio-diverse.

UPDATE – November 2023

During the month our contractor planted 100 seven-gallon trees and 1,900 bare root saplings. We also held a volunteer seed collection day where several bags of seeds were collected. These seeds will be used to for prairie restoration and enhancement efforts at Indian Springs Metropark.

UPDATE – April 2024 

Historic Mill Structural Improvements

Wolcott Mill Metropark Historic Center 

In 2019, the Historic Center at Wolcott Mill Metropark was closed as a precaution after staff observed hollow sounding areas beneath the basement floor of the mill. An Engineering firm was hired to investigate by using ground penetrating radar, coring through the existing concrete, and taking measurements to the material below. Soil borings and excavations were also completed on the outside of the building to assess the ground conditions and the existing foundation.

Contractual bidding is taking place to complete floor grouting work. This work will address voids underneath the basement floor that were found during the inspection.

Indian Springs New Playground

Indian Springs Metropark New Playground 

Construction is underway at Indian Springs Metropark to remove the existing playground and maze. In 2024 the space will be host to a new playground for ages 5 to 12 years old.

4.25.23 – Rendering for the new playground.

Kensington Adult Fitness Trail

Kensington Metropark New Adult Fitness Trail

The establishment of a new Adult Fitness Trail will help increase the health and wellness of park users. The new trail will act as a National Demonstration Site promoting best practices and creating an optimal fitness trail that includes equipment to boost aerobic/cardio, core, strength, and flexibility/balance fitness areas. The Adult Fitness Trail will follow the Kensington Hike-Bike Trail, beginning on the north side of the East Boat Launch upper parking lot, with ten fitness stations including those designed for accessible and assisted use. Users can share their experience by utilizing the QR Code shown on the fitness trail sign at the Trailhead location.

This project is funded by GameTime/mParks and Huron-Clinton Metroparks.

Lake Erie Cherry Island Trail Improvements

This development project will improve a nature trail and associated amenities for accessibility using universal design principles, including: 1) concrete pads for 3 accessible van parking spaces; 2) an 8’ wide aggregate trail from parking to new trailhead; 3) a 6’ wide accessible aggregate path at viewing area; 4) accessible-related amenities [viewing scopes, picnic tables, bike hoops]; 5) removal and replacement of a land-bridge dirt trail with 10’ wide boardwalk; 6) new split rail fence; 7) relocation and access to benches; 8) improvements to the existing boardwalk; 9) 5 native trees; and 10) overall elevation and modification of aggregate trail for accessibility.

Perhaps the most impactful change is #5—the removal of the land bridge to reconnect the lake to the marsh. Opening the wetland to Lake Erie through the land bridge removal will restore the hydrologic connection and improve marsh habitat while allowing fish and waterfowl passage into a currently isolated portion of the marsh.

Funding provided in partnership by Huron-Clinton Metroparks, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation.

Lake St. Clair Greening the Parking Lot

Phase 3 of the parking lot renovations at Lake St. Clair Metropark will be done over the next few years. The renovations will be designed to remove portions of the pavement to allow for green infrastructure and reduce the heat island effect. Additional project components as part of this design will improve storm water capture and increase tree canopy.

Schedule: This project is focused on Lot “C” and will be completed in 2025.

This project has been funded by the EGLE State High Water Infrastructure Program and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks.

Lake St. Clair North Marina Renovation

Renovations include new seawall, updating and raising utilities, replacement of piers with floating docks, a new walkway, and ADA accessibility improvements. This renovation will provide resiliency with fluctuating and increasing lake levels, increased flexibility for use of the marina for boaters and events, while improving accessibility for all marina and park users.

This project has been funded by the State of Michigan appropriations and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks

Lake St. Clair West Boardwalk Renovation

This development project will improve accessibility of Lake St. Clair Metropark’s West Boardwalk. Improvements include new boardwalk, accessible grills and picnic tables, native tree plantings, benches, and an accessible beach access to the Lake St. Clair beach.

Schedule: This project will be completed by 2026.

This project has been funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks.

Livingston County Connector Trails - Metroparks to State Parks

The project will provide survey and engineering design for trail connections including a non-motorized bridge over US-23 to improve the trail network throughout Livingston County and better connect secondary trails, recreation areas, and population centers into the primary Great Lake-to-Lake Trail. The trail will provide connections to four regional parks: Brighton State Recreation Area, Huron Meadows Metropark, Island Lake Recreation Area, and Kensington Metropark. The non-motorized bridge over US-23 also provides safe connection from the City of Brighton, its high school, and surrounding residential areas to parks and the Green Oak Village Place Mall.

This project has been funded by the State of Michigan appropriations and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks.

Lower Huron Off Leash Dog Area Development

Development of an accessible off leash dog area will include two fenced areas for both large and small dogs, a dog run with a water bottle and pet water station, benches, landscaping and dog waste stations. Additional improvements include new pathways and parking lot improvements.

Funded through a Land and Water Conservation Grant.

Lower Huron Walnut Grove Campground Development

The project involves redevelopment of the Walnut Grove Campground with improved features and accessibility using universal design principles, to comprise: 1) six new campsites; 2) seven ADA campsites with concrete pads; 3) water and electric hookups to all sites; 4) accessible picnic tables throughout; 5) firewood storage shed; 6) playground upgrades; 7) landscaping including fifty native tree plantings; 8) two drinking fountain/water bottle filling stations; and 9) parking lot improvements including removal of excess parking areas. The project provides improvements to a campground utilized by those traveling on the National Huron River Water Trail and the Iron Belle Trail, both which have direct access to the campground. It is only one of two public campgrounds in Wayne County and the only one located in a natural setting. The overall intent of this project is to eliminate obstacles and add features that will provide an enjoyable camping experience for all users of the campground.

Funding provided in partnership by Huron-Clinton Metroparks, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation.

Protecting Lake Erie Marsh & Waters with Green Infrastructure Practices

The Metroparks will partner with the Wyandot of Anderdon Nation to implement green infrastructure measures at Lake Erie Metropark and their Six Points site, both which lie at the junction of the Detroit River and Lake Erie. Activities include the construction of green infrastructure at Lake Erie Metropark, ecological restoration of the Six Points site, and community engagement through public meetings, focus groups, educational signage, and volunteer maintenance groups. Anticipated deliverables include the installation of 16 naturalized swales along park roads and parking areas, a rain garden at the Metropark’s interpretive center, and the restoration of a riparian area (about 8 acres) with native vegetation at the Wyandot Six Points. The outcomes of the project include the reduction of nonpoint source pollution into Lake Erie, improved habitat around Brownstone Creek, and increased public knowledge and community engagement in stormwater management through green infrastructure.

This project is in partnership with the Wyandot of Anderdon Nation and funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

UPDATE- November 2023

Our contractor has delineated several areas within the park where naturalized swales will be created. In these areas the grass was killed to allow for native grasses and pollinators to be planted in spring 2024. At the Six Points site we have been working with the Wyandot members to remove invasive species in preparation for restoration efforts.

Combatting the Spotted Lanternfly

Kensington, Indian Springs, Stony Creek & Wolcott Mill Metroparks

Update April 2024 – No spotted lanternflies have been found to date. Surveying for the spotted lanternfly will continue throughout the year, looking for the different life stages during each season. Tree-of-heaven stands will continue to be treated and controlled with seasonally appropriate methods.

In spring 2023, the Huron-Clinton Metroparks was awarded a grant from the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program (MISGP) to survey for the spotted lanternfly (SLF) and treat the invasive host plant, tree of heaven.

The grant funding will help the Metroparks address early detection and stop the spread of the invasive spotted lanternfly. As part of the grant project, the Metroparks will be working with a contractor on a two-pronged approach to combat the lanternfly.  First, there will be a survey of the four Metroparks to check for the spotted lanternfly in all stages of its lifespan.  Second, removal of the preferred host, tree of heaven, will take place.

According to, here are some tips to identify SLF (photos can be found on their link):

  • Adults are 1” long leaf hoppers. Folded wings are gray to brown with black spots.
  • Open wings reveal a yellow and black abdomen and bright red hind wings with black spots transitioning to black and white bands at the edge.
  • Nymphs are ¼ inch to ½ inch long, wingless, and beetle-like, first appearing black with white spots and developing red patches as they mature.
  • Egg masses resemble old chewing gum, with a gray, waxy, putty-like coating.
  • Hatched eggs appear as brownish, seed-like deposits.

The public can help by reporting sightings of spotted lanternfly. If you identify adult or immature spotted lanternflies, take pictures, if possible, record the location, try to collect them in a container, and report your findings. If you see suspect egg masses, do not disturb them. Take photos, if possible, note the location and report it to:

Early detection and response is a common approach for new invasive species like the spotted lanternfly. The sooner these species are detected and responded to, the higher the chances are of controlling the spread of the species, or even eradicating it in some cases. Through surveying, control of preferred host trees, and engaging the public, the Metroparks can work to efficiently find any new populations in the region and quickly begin treatment.

Stony Creek Boat Launch Parking Lot Redevelopment

Stony Creek Metropark

In November 2019, the Metroparks Board of Commissioners approved site plans for what Stony Creek Boat Launch area would look like after a three phase redevelopment project.

Work on phase one began in summer 2020. Phase I included the completion of the parking lot, demolition of the old hike-bike trail alignment, and development of naturalized swales between the lot and park road. One of the projects identified during the recently-completed storm water management planning process, a culvert in poor condition under the old hike-bike trail, was addressed with the completion of this first phase. This new parking lot configuration will improve safety of the Hike-Bike trail by eliminating the entrance crossing, improve traffic flow in the lot, provide accessible boat parking, and address the surface and drainage structures by remove curbing and strategically incorporating additional plantings to improve storm water management.

Phase II will include the design and construction of the new restroom building and associated site amenities and will begin in 2021. Phase III will include the demolition of the existing restroom building and construction of a new shade feature on site. The existing restroom building/warming shelter does not meet accessibility standards. Plans will demolish the existing building following the construction of a new restroom building on the opposite side of the boat launch driveway. The new building is proposed to include four universal access restrooms and a warming area facing Stony Creek Lake.

Stony Creek Reflection Trail Renovation

Stony Creek Metropark

This development project to improve Stony Creek Metropark’s Reflection Trail near the park’s Nature Center will include improvements such as replacing the main entrance walkway so that it is accessible and provide additional accessible parking spaces. Nature Center improvements include energy efficient lighting, automatic doors and rain collection barrels. The Reflection Trail features accessible trails and boardwalks, native tree and prairie plantings, three new trail bridges and a pond overlook and pond dipping platform for nature study.

Schedule: This project will be completed by 2026.

This project has been funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks.

Connecting the Metroparks By Non-Motorized Trails

We are working to figure out how to connect all 13 Metroparks using trails across southeast Michigan in the future. So, if you’re into trails and outdoor adventures, follow along with us on these exciting projects.

You might not know this, but we have around 400 miles of trails here inside the Metroparks, and it’s no surprise that folks love them. People are always asking for more trails and trail improvements! In some of the Metroparks you can use non-motorized trails to hop between them and nearby communities. For example, there’s the B2B Trail that goes through Delhi, Dexter-Huron, and Hudson Mills Metroparks, or the Iron Belle Trail that goes through Lower Huron, Willow, Oakwoods, and Lake Erie Metroparks.

Now, we’re teaming up with partners and the community to work towards connecting ALL 13 Metroparks with non-motorized trails. We want everyone to enjoy safe and fun trail experiences, whether you’re walking, running, cycling, or just loving the outdoors. The first step in this project is to do a study complete with feedback received from the public to help pick the best routes for these new trail sections.

We’ve been working hard with consultants and local stakeholders to figure out possible routes. We looked at things like whether it’s doable, how easy it is to access, safety, and how close it is to residential areas. Now, we have collect a large amount of public feedback on each of the proposed routes and are working with consultants to select the best feasible route for each connection.

Even though public input is closed, you can still explore proposed connections on possible routes between Lower Huron Metropark and the I-275 Metro Trail, Hudson Mills to Huron Meadows Metroparks, Kensington to Indian Springs Metroparks, Indian Springs to Stony Creek Metroparks, and Wolcott Mill Metropark to Macomb Orchard Trail by visiting this interactive webpage.

The feedback we recieved is super important because it’s going to help us choose the final routes. Most of these routes will use public land or existing rights-of-way, which will reduce the need to obtain new property. But there will still be some challenges to work out with partners and communities. The Metroparks plan to work with consultants and pick the final routes by the end of the year.

These trail connections are a big deal for the Metroparks, and we’re excited about creating more connections to parks and communities in the region. However, it might be a little while before you see construction start on these routes. Once the routes have been selected, we’ll start working on getting the money and design plans together. So, stay tuned for more trail adventures in the future!

Click Here to Explore Routes and Review Feedback

Willow Disc Golf Course

Staff is working to make improvements to the disc golf course. The improvements will change the 24-hole course to a 18-hole course with some holes being combined to create a course that plays longer than the existing one. Additionally, some of the holes that are frequently under water and wet will be eliminated and holes #18-22 are closed until further notice.

Willow Huron River Floodplain

Habitat improvements along the Huron River at Willow Metropark in Wayne County includes restoring an eroded riverbank, in-stream toe wood, removing impermeable surfaces, and expanding native prairie habitat. The project will increase habitat complexity and biodiversity, create a wildlife corridor along the river, benefit native pollinators, capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff, improve a river launch site, and decrease flood potential.

Update 5.16.21 – Worked with an engineering firm to design the in-stream work which consists of a bioengineered streambank with a combination of soil lifts with naturalized riparian plantings to restore the streambank habitat.  Pre-implementation river studies have been conducted, as well as a fish survey and the Huron River Watershed Council did some water testing. The results will be compared to the post-implementation study results once the project is completed.

This project is in partnership with National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s (NFWF) Southeast Michigan Resilience Fund and several volunteer organizations.

Update 10.31.22 

Update Spring 2024 – Construction and restoration projects are completed. Post-construction monitoring of river conditions will take place in late spring along with a comparative analysis with pre-construction conditions. Huron River Watershed Council volunteers are conducting the water sampling.

Willow Washago Pond

What happened to Washago Pond?

At Washago Pond, a pipe beneath the water that is part of the control structure of the dam developed a leak and drained the pond. The water drained through the Regan Drain to the Huron River. The structure is considered a low hazard dam due to the fact any failure would not have an impact on people or other properties.

Our staff is following our previously established action plan and working with all relevant state agencies. We are currently evaluating options and developing a plan for the area. We will be providing updates to the public on our website as these plans are developed and implemented.

What is a control structure?

The control structure is what controls the water level in the pond. For Washago pond that is a vertical corrugated metal pipe under water. When the water level goes above the opening in the top of the pipe, the water drains down to Regan Drain. When the water level is lower than the top of that pipe, no water drains into the lower part of the Regan Drain and Huron River.

When will it be restored?

The area of Willow Metropark where Washago Pond once was is being restored to natural habitat. In May of 2021, the corrugated metal control structure at Washago Pond failed which drained the pond down to its more natural water level. Staff are working with the State of Michigan as well as partners at the Huron River Watershed Council to finalize plans for the site that includes removing the previous dam structure and restoring the area with native plantings. The Washago Pond dam has been on the Huron River Watershed Council’s list of potential dam removals to improve the health of the watershed. This redevelopment plan would provide improvements to the watershed as a whole including diverse habitat for fish, aquatic invertebrates and amphibians as well as providing a filtering effect for rainwater.

This rendering of the area is the working concept approved by the Metroparks Board of Commissioners in September of 2021, but final plans are still being developed through the permitting process with the State of Michigan.

What happened to all the fish and waterfowl that were there?

Water drained steadily and slowly over 24 hours through the water control structure into the Regan Drain and then into the Huron River. We anticipate that a large amount of fish were able to drain safely into the river. We did not encounter a large number of stranded fish on dry land or in the remaining pond.

Under guidance of the DNR Fisheries Division volunteers worked to net and transfer large fish (that were over 6”) to the Huron River.

Washago Pond did not provide any permanent waterfowl habitat previously. It was used by water fowl for transient feeding and bathing. There continues to be a large basin of water in the center of the pond that is still providing these resources for waterfowl.

Is the pond still draining or has it stopped?

The pond has finished draining and is currently at its natural equilibrium as part of the watershed. Water is supplied to Washago Pond through the Regan Drain. The Regan Drain is a small tributary that runs through Washago Pond and into the Huron River. The level of water flow in the drain is dependent on rainfall and will fluctuate and continue to change seasonally. Currently there is steady flow through the Regan Drain.

How often is the dam at Washago Pond inspected?

Washago Pond dam is inspected every 5 years and has an emergency action plan on file, as required by the state. Our Last inspection was in 2017. A small leak in the control structure was noted in previous inspections and has been monitored while staff developed a plan for how it should be addressed. The condition had remained unchanged in the last inspection, and the dam was reported as “fair overall condition” by the inspector.


Grant funding is a key resource for the Metroparks to increase accessibility, conserve and protect natural areas and wildlife, and improve recreational opportunities and public spaces. Huron-Clinton Metroparks and the Metroparks Foundation actively seek out and apply for grant funding throughout the year.

Since 2018, more than 70 grants have been awarded to the Metroparks, totaling over $9 million.

Grant funding will continue to be important for years to come as new projects and community needs are identified. Current grant projects are below.

Metroparks Grants

Explore the list of active grants and funding amounts.

Consumers Energy Foundation - $100,000

Restore the Huron River headwaters area of Indian Springs Metropark, including the Huron Swamp, West Wetland Complex and the Michigan Nature Association’s Timberland Swamp Nature Sanctuary through invasive species removal, tree plantings and native prairie/meadow plugs, and seed plantings. Click here to learn more about the Consumers Energy Foundation.

DTE Energy Foundation - $4,000

Funding for 22 trees at Hudson Mills Metroparks and three trees at Wolcott Mill Metropark.

Environment, Great Lakes & Energy - $348,816

Lake St. Clair Metropark – $300,000
This non-point source pollution grant is addressing avian sources of E. Coli at the beach by implementing acoustic bird deterrents and native plants to break up the birds sightlines. Regular water testing will be conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Dexter-Huron, Delhi, Hudson Mills, Huron Meadows, Indian Springs, Kensington, Lake Erie, Lower Huron, Oakwoods & Willow Metroparks – $48,816
Added recycling bins for plastics to the Metroparks in Livingston, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne Counties.

GameTime/mParks - $5,104

Kensington Metropark will receive a new adult Fitness Trail.

Green Macomb - $6,750

Stony Creek Metropark – $3,000
Funding for 20 tree plantings.

Lake St. Clair Metroparks – $3,750
Funding for 25 tree plantings.

Land & Water Conservation Fund - $1,465,400

Lake St. Clair Metropark – $500,000
Provides a new boardwalk, accessible grills and picnic tables, native tree plantings, benches, and an accessible beach access to the Lake St. Clair beach.

Lower Huron Metropark – $300,000
Walnut Grove Campground improvements including adding seven ADA campsites with concrete pads, six new campsites, adding water and electrical hookups to all campsites, and accessibility improvements to nearby amenities.

Lower Huron Metropark – $165,400
Develop as off-leash dog area comprised of two fenced in areas for large and small dogs, a pet-friendly water bottle filling station, and other accessible amenities.

Stony Creek Metropark – $500,000
Provides accessibility improvements to the Reflection Trail and the Nature Center.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources Iron Belle Trail Grant - $82,075

Iron Belle Trail design and engineering at Lower Huron Metropark.

Michigan Invasive Species Grant, EGLE - $30,000

Address early detection and the spread of the invasive spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula), a Michigan watch list species.

Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund - $1,092,700

Dexter-Huron Metropark – $192,700
Renovation of the launch site and picnic area for improved accessibility using universal design principles.

Lower Huron Metropark – $300,000
This project will extend the Iron Belle Trail within Lower Huron Metropark a half-mile to E. Huron Drive. The paved trail will be entirely accessible including safety improvements and native plantings.

Lake Erie Metropark – $300,000
Provide accessibility improvements to the Cherry Island Nature trails and its amenities.  Also, removes the land bridge and replaces it with a boardwalk that will allow for connectivity between the marsh and Lake Erie, as well as provide a pass through space for kayaks and canoes.

Delhi Metropark – $300,000
Renovation of the launch with a floating dock system, parking lot improvements, picnic area improvements, and livery building improvements, all to increase accessibility.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - $250,000

Improves habitat complexity, biodiversity, and connectivity of the Big Bend area of Willow Metropark to enhance climate resiliency.  The project includes removal of impermeable surfaces, extension and restoration of the native prairie, restoration of the eroded riverbank, the addition of river habitat structures, bio-swales, and addition/extension of a riparian buffer zone along the river.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - $1,449,609

The Metroparks are partnering with the Great Lakes Commission on the implementation of the project which includes softening of 1,200 feet of hardened shoreline and enhancing nearly two acres of Lake Erie coastal marsh by restoring shoreline habitat and creating a network of shallow pools and channels within the Metropark.

Renew MI, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy - $1,000,000

The Metroparks are partnering with the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy to assist with brownfield remediation activities at West Riverfront Park.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - $483,500

Implements green infrastructure measures (naturalized swales along park roads/parking area and rain gardens at the nature Center) across Lake Erie Metropark and provides restoration of the Wyandot Six Points property located just north of the park to help capture and filter stormwater runoff.

Metroparks Foundation Grants

Explore the list of active grants and funding amounts.

Anonymous Foundation - $10,000

Metroparks Interpretive Department provides Get Out And Learn (GOAL) offers scholarships to cover transportation for in-person field trips or outreach programs at southeast Michigan schools. 

Erb Foundation - $45,000

Improve water quality through the acquisition of Wayne County land parcels that can be developed for successful stormwater management through stormwater storage, stream buffers and naturalization.

Four County Community Fund - $10,000

Stony Creek Metropark – $5,000
Wolcott Mill Metropark – $5,000
Supports experiential learning for students in the Four County Community Foundation service area, through coverage of programming fees and transportation costs.

PNC - $7,500

Metroparks Interpretive Department provides free programs to early childhood education classes.

Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation - $2,682,755

Multi-use Trail Connectors – $1,782,750
Multi-use trail connectors including the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Island Lake Trail project and matching funds for the Lower Huron Belle Trail extension.

Lake Erie, Lower Huron, Oakwoods, Willow Metroparks – $900,000
Outdoor recreation projects.

Russell Family Foundation/CFSEM - $42,100

Supporting a series of teacher workshops for educators, grades K-9, from underserved schools in Wayne County.

Young Foundation - $2,500

Metroparks Interpretive Department provides free programs to early childhood education classes.


More information coming soon!

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