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Love Your Trails


Join the staff at Stony Creek Metropark Nature Center to reduce some of the non-indigenous plants growing along our trails and waterways. Volunteers will receive training and support while we work together to improve the park. Please bring gardening-type gloves if you have them. Plastic bags, tools, and gloves available.
April 19 – Love Your Trails: Garlic Mustard Pull
May 17 – Love Your Trails: Dame’s Rocket Pull
June 21 – Love Your Trails: Crown Vetch Pull
September 20 – Love Your Trails: Purple Loosestrife Pull
What to Expect:
This program is entirely outdoors. The time, approximately 90 minutes, will be spent pulling herbaceous (non-woody) vegetation and bagging it. This requires the ability to crouch or bend. Bagged plants will be moved by staff, so no heavy lifting involved.

Ages: 16 and up.
Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Cost: Free!
Location: Stony Creek Metropark, Nature Center

Pre-registration is required by 4 p.m. the day before the program.

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