World Frog Day
March 19, 2025 By: Erin Parker, Interpretive Services Supervisor While March 20th might be best known as the first day of spring in 2025, it is also an annual holiday honoring frogs. That’s right, March 20th is World Frog Day- a time to learn about…
Big Tree Hunt
REGISTER HERE Here’s your chance to get in on the Michigan Big Tree Hunt while it lasts! According to ReLeaf Michigan, you could be recognized as the one to find the largest tree in your county or even the state! Helping a statewide effort to…
Canal Paddle Tour
REGISTER HERE Bring your own canoe or kayak, paddle, a personal floatation device (PFD) and a sense of adventure for a guided tour of the canals. Learn some local history, and keep your eyes open for local wildlife, as we explore this, often unseen portion…
Spiders are Superheroes
REGISTER HERE Spiders are simply awesome! Come and learn fascinating things about spiders. Spiders can do impossible things, making them just like superheroes! What to Expect: This program starts indoors, ends outdoors. The time, approximately 45 minutes will be indoors; the remaining 45 minutes will…
Sustainable Saturdays
REGISTER HERE Join Nature Center staff and community members for a Sustainable Saturday meetup! Do you have too many plants and you don't know what to do with them? How about too many propagations waiting on the windowsill in need of a home? Do you…
Native Plant Sale
Get your yard and garden ready for the season with native flowers, trees, and shrubs. All plants for sale are Michigan native genotypes, which means they are more likely to thrive in our area and will be more beneficial to local wildlife. The Annual Native…
Spring Wildflower Stroll
REGISTER HERE Discover some of the first wildflowers to appear each spring as we stroll through our woodlands here at Indian Springs Metroparks. We will discuss the seasonality of these early bloomers and explore some of the ways these plants have adapted their short lifecycles…
Mother’s Day Wildflower Walk
REGISTER HERE Enjoy an outing with your family at a special Kensington Mother’s Day weekend walk. We’ll take an hour-long guided stroll through the Kensington Nature Area while discovering the budding spring wildflowers, the chattering birds, and the other changes of the season. Share the…
Young Naturalists
REGISTER HERE Bring your littles out for an introduction on how to be a naturalist! We’ll look at plants, birds, and other animals easily found around the park and learn how to identify them and figure out what they spend their day doing. We will…
Wildflowers of Oakwoods
REGISTER HERE We will discuss different wildflowers that are blooming right now. Go over different native and non-native plants and whether they are useful or harmful to the local fauna and environment. And then we will make art with them! This will be a fun…